What is the scanning time for each package?
The scanning time for the “Gender Reveal” (2d) is approximately 15 minutes. The total time you should allow to be at Living Images is 30-45. That time is allowing paperwork and a cushion of time just in case the baby is uncooperative or comfortable .
The scanning time for the ”Meet Me” (2d/3d/4d) is 20-30 minutes. Every baby is different and there are a lot of variables. Expect to be in the office 1-1 1/2 hours. Total time depends on baby cooperation and any add ons. It is NOT necessary to drink sugary or caffeinated drinks. Babies have a 30 minute wake up cycle on their own. Water is best. The more hydrated a mommy is the better.
I do not label babies as stubborn but comfortable. When a baby is “comfortable” then sometimes it takes a little longer than expected. Babies try to teach their parents patience even before they are born . Thank you mommies and daddies for choosing Living Images
Living Images follows FDA recommendations for length of scan and frequency of ultrasound waves, and that no detrimental effects have been found in over 40 years of studies.
Is 4D ultrasound better than 3D?
4D ultrasound is a real-time 3D movie rather than just still pictures.
How long does it take to get good pictures?
We generally schedule an hour for a session. Pictures don’t always take this long to get, but babies aren’t always cooperative and may be in awkward positions.
Is there anything mom can do to help?
Absolutely! For the best pictures possible mom can really help out by drinking lots of water a week up to her appointment. The fluid baby is surrounded by is clearest when mom has been drinking water. Ultrasound works best when scanning through clear fluids.
Can you determine sex of the baby?
(Minimum of 15 weeks) We sure can. Full figure is recommended 17 weeks and it is best at a minimum of 30weeks. If you wish not to know, please inform us so we won’t take any pictures of telltale anatomy.
What if I’m a full figure mommy?
If a mommy is full figured the sound waves have more tissue to scan through. If you are full figured it is best to wait until 17 weeks for gender determination and 32 weeks for 4d pictures.
Depending on what experience you are wanting times will vary. Prior to 24 weeks babies do not have any fat, so they will not have chubby faces. Although the best time for multiples is between 24 -28 weeks because of womb space. Before 28 weeks besides lack of chubbiness most babies (not all) are breech which is a challenge for 4d imaging .However, you can see more of the baby in the picture. Between 28-35 weeks seems to be the ideal time for most babies. After 35 weeks space is becoming limited and baby may start to drop but I have had several babies that have cooperated after 35 weeks.
Meet Your Baby at Living Images
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Hours and Location
Living Images
6 11th Ave Building F
Suite F2
Shalimar, Fl 32579
Monday – Friday
First appointment 9:30
Last appointment 5:00
Limited availability (contact us for requests)